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Weak Automata


!Image of the Weak Automata Upgrade

Weak automata is a turtle with a Weak Mechanic Soul upgrade. It has several different abilities:
• Digging blocks with tools
• Interact with blocks with an item or empty hand
• Collect all or specific nearby items
• Detect nearby items
• Detect blocks and entities in front of the turtle
• Charge the turtle with an energy cell in the turtle's inventory

Peripheral Name Interfaces with Has events Introduced in
weakAutomata World No 0.7r



getFuelLevel() -> number
Returns the number of fuel points stored in the turtle.


getFuelMaxLevel() -> number
Returns the maximum amount of fuel points that the turtle can store.


getFuelConsumptionRate() -> number
Returns the turtle's current fuel consumption rate.


setFuelConsumptionRate(rate: number) -> true | nil, string
Allows you to control the fuel consumption rate of the turtle. See Cooldowns and Fuel consumption to learn about how fuel consumption affects fuel cost and operation cooldowns.

Returns true if the consumption rate was successfully set, or nil and an error message.


getDigCooldown() -> number
Returns the current cooldown for dig operations.


getSuckCooldown() -> number
Returns the current cooldown for item collection operations.


getUseOnBlockCooldown() -> number
Returns the current cooldown for block interaction operations.


getConfiguration() -> table
Returns the configuration values for this automata.


lookAtBlock() -> table | nil, string
Returns a table containing information about the block infront of the turtle or if the operation fails it will return nil and an error message.


lookAtEntity() -> table | nil, string
Returns a table containing information about the entity infront of the turtle or if the operation fails it will return nil and an error message.


digBlock() -> true | nil, string
Tries to dig the block that the turtle is looking at with the current item. It returns true if it successfully mines the block or nil and an error message.


useOnBlock() -> true | nil, string
Tries to interact with the block that the turtle is looking at with the current item. It returns true if it successfully interacts with the block or nil and an error message.


scanItems() -> table | nil, string
Returns a list of items that are around the turtle or nil and an error message if it fails.


collectItems([count: number]) -> true | nil, string
Tries to collect all items or a specific amount if count is given around the turtle.
Returns true if it successfully collects items or nil and an error message.


collectSpecificItem(item: string[, count: number]) -> true | nil, string
Tries to collect all items or a specific amount if count is given of the given item type that are around the turtle.
Returns true if it successfully collects items or nil and an error message.


feedSoul() -> (true | nil), string
Tries to feed the entity that is in front of the turtle to the mechanic soul upgrade in the the turtle's selected slot.
Returns true and the interaction result as a string or if it fails nil and an error message.


chargeTurtle([fuel: number]) -> number | nil, string
Tries to fuel the turtle using an energy cell in the turtle's inventory. The fuel argument limits the amount of fuel it will try to gain.
Returns the amount of fuel points gained or nil and an error message.


Added the Weak Automata
