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Changelog 1.18.2-0.7.24r / 1.19.3-0.7.23b

Table of Contents

  1. Item/Fluid Filter
  2. Inventory manager
  3. ME and RS Bridge

The 0.7.24r update brings some changes to our inventory system. All major and breaking changes are listed here to help with updating your scripts.

Item/Fluid Filter

You may know that we use tables to filter for items for some of our inventory transferring functions. This system got a rework and is now used for more functions but also got some syntax changes.

Fluids also now use a filter system.

The following keys got removed: - json - tag

The nbt key now uses json typed nbt values like {nbt="{StoredEnchantments: [{lvl: 2s, id: \"minecraft:blast_protection\"}]}"}

The name key can now search for tags.

    name="#minecraft:wool" -- searches for the wool tag
    -- OR
    name="#forge:ores/gold" -- searches for the forge gold tag
    -- OR
    name="minecraft:white_wool" -- searches for white wool

You CAN NOT search for multiple items/tags at once.

Item Filters can filter for slots with toSlot and fromSlot.

You can find the new filter documentation here

Inventory manager

The following functions got deprecated:

  • removeItemFromPlayer(direction: string, count: int[, slot: int, item: string])

  • addItemToPlayer(direction: string, count: int[, slot: int, item: string])

  • removeItemFromPlayerNBT(direction: string, count: int[, slot: int, item: table])

  • addItemToPlayerNBT(direction: string, count: int[, slot: int, item: table])

These will be replaced in the next major update with the following two functions:

  • removeItemFromPlayer(direction: direction, string: table)

  • addItemToPlayer(direction: string, item: table)

The following functions now use the new filter system:

  • removeItemFromPlayerNBT(direction: string, count: int[, slot: int, item: filter])

  • addItemToPlayerNBT(direction: string, count: int[, slot: int, item: filter]))

ME and RS Bridge

Added the following functions to the me bridge:

  • getTotalItemStorage
  • getTotalFluidStorage
  • getUsedItemStorage
  • getUsedFluidStorage
  • getAvailableItemStorage
  • getAvailableFluidStorage
  • listCells
  • isConnected

More functions now return a Method Result. This means they're capable to report errors if something wrong. For more information, refer to the documentation of the specific function. This is not a breaking change.