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Player Detector


!Image of the Player Detector block

The Player Detector is a useful peripheral that allows you to detect players within a certain range, position and area. You can get a list of all online players and detect when a player clicks on the block.

Peripheral Name Interfaces with Has events Introduced in
playerDetector Players Yes 0.1b



Fires when a player clicks on the block.

  1. username: string The username of the player who clicked the block
  2. devicename: string Th name of the peripheral like playerDetector_4
local event, username, device = os.pullEvent("playerClick")
print("The detector ".. device .." was clicked by " .. username)


Fires when a player joins the world/a server.

  1. username: string The username of the player who clicked the block
  2. dimension: string The resource id of the dimension the player is in
local event, username, dimension = os.pullEvent("playerJoin")
print("Player " .. username .. " joined the server in the dimension " .. dimension)


Fires when a player leaves the world/a server.

  1. username: string The username of the player who clicked the block
  2. dimension: string The resource id of the dimension the player was in
local event, username, dimension = os.pullEvent("playerLeave")
print("Player " .. username .. " left the server in the dimension " .. dimension)


Fires when a player changes dimensions.

  1. username: string The username of the player who clicked the block
  2. fromDim: string The resource id of the dimension the player was in
  3. toDim: string The resource id of the dimension the player is in
local event, username, fromDim, toDim = os.pullEvent("playerChangedDimension")
print("Player " .. username .. " left the dimension " .. fromDim .. " and is now in " .. toDim)


The events will fire when a player detector has been connected to a computer. You don't have to .wrap() or .find() the peripheral (unless you intend to send messages).



The player detector supports multidimensional spying(Since 1.19.2-0.7.30r & 1.20.1-0.7.32a). This only works if the config option playerDetMultiDimensional is set to true and the option playerDetMaxRange is set to -1(infinite)

getPlayerPos / getPlayer

getPlayerPos(username: string) -> table | nil

Returns information about the player with the username passed.


Added more properties in version 0.7.4r

table Description
dimension: string The dimension the player is in
eyeHeight: number The height of the player's eyes
pitch: number The pitch of the player's head
health: number The health of the player
maxHealth: number The max health of the player
airSupply: number The air supply of the player
respawnPosition: number The respawn position of the player
respawnDimension: number The respawn dimension of the player
respawnAngle: number The respawn angle of the player in degrees
yaw: number The yaw of the player's head
x: number The x coordinate
y: number The y coordinate
z: number The z coordinate
local detector = peripheral.find("playerDetector")

-- Get the position of Player123 and print their coordinates
local pos = detector.getPlayerPos("Player123")
print("Position: " .. pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z)


getOnlinePlayers() -> table

Added in version 0.7r

Returns a list of all online players.


getPlayersInRange(range: number) -> table

Returns a list of players within the given range of the peripheral.


The center of the range is the Player Detector peripheral and not the Computer.


getPlayersInCoords(posOne: table, posTwo: table) -> table

Added in version 0.7r

Returns a list of players within the 2 positions posOne and posTwo.

The posOne and posTwo tables must contain:

  • x: number
  • y: number
  • z: number


The area the detector going to detect is [x1, x2), [y1, y2), [z1, z2). Which means call getPlayersInCoords({x=x, y=y, z=z}, {x=x, y=y, z=z}) will always return nothing


getPlayersInCubic(w: number, h: number, d: number) -> table

Added in version 0.7r

Returns a list of players within a cuboid centered at the peripheral.
Where w, h, d correspond to the x, y, z axes and are the width, height and depth of the cuboid.


isPlayerInRange(range: number, username: string) -> boolean

Returns true if the player whose username matches the provided username is within the given range of the peripheral.


isPlayerInCoords(posOne: table, posTwo: table, username: string) -> boolean

Added in version 0.7r

Returns true if the player is within the 2 positions.

The posOne and posTwo tables must contain:

  • x: number
  • y: number
  • z: number


isPlayerInCubic(w: number, h: number, d: number)

Added in version 0.7r

Returns true if the player is within the cuboid centered at the peripheral.
Where w, h, d correspond to the x, y, z axes and are the width, height and depth of the cuboid.


isPlayersInRange(range: number) -> boolean

Returns true if there is any player in the given range.


isPlayersInCoords(posOne: table, posTwo: table) -> boolean

Added in version 0.7r

Returns true if any player is within the 2 positions.

The posOne and posTwo tables must contain:

  • x: number
  • y: number
  • z: number


isPlayersInCubic(w: number, h: number, d: number)

Added in version 0.7r

Returns true if any player is within the cuboid centered at the peripheral.
Where w, h, d correspond to the x, y, z axes and are the width, height and depth of the cuboid.


In early versions the player detector was also a buggy block, like the energy detector. We had bugs where the block used completely wrong coordinates or the range parameters did not work.

Added more information to the getPlayerPos function. (Configurable)

Added more functions to the player detector. One to define the range in every 3 axes, one to define 2 positions. Also added getOnlinePlayers.

Added a max range config value.

Added the functions isPlayersInRange and isPlayerinRange.

Added the function getPlayersInRange.

Added the player detector, it was the third feature of the mod.