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Inventory Manager


!Image of the Inventory Manager block

The Inventory Manager can communicate with the player's inventory. You need to assign yourself to a Memory Card and put the card into the manager to use it.


Only one Memory Card can be used per Inventory Manager.

Peripheral Name Interfaces with Has events Introduced in
inventoryManager Player Inventory No 0.5b


You need to place the inventory you want to use next to the inventory manager and NOT next to the computer!



addItemToPlayer(direction: string, item: table) -> number

Adds an item to the player's inventory and returns the amount of the item added. The direction is the direction of the container relative to the peripheral.
The slot is the slot to take items from in the container. The Inventory Manager will add a random item to the player's inventory if the item or slot argument are not provided.

Since version 0.7r

You can now use both relative (right, left, front, back, top, bottom) and cardinal (north, south, east, west, up, down) directions for the direction argument.

local manager = peripheral.find("inventoryManager")

-- Add 32 cobblestone to the players offhand slot from the block above
manager.addItemToPlayer("up", {name="minecraft:cobblestone", toSlot=36, count=32})


removeItemFromPlayer(direction: string item: table) -> number

Removes an item from the player's inventory and returns the amount of the item removed. The direction is the direction of the container relative to the peripheral to put the item into.
The slot is the slot to take items from in the player's inventory. The Inventory Manager will remove a random item from the player's inventory if the item or slot argument are not provided. The slot and count are overwritten if fromSlot or count is specified in the item filter if the item argument is empty, the manager will move any item.

local manager = peripheral.find("inventoryManager")

-- Remove up to 5 of the item in slot 1 of the player's inventory
-- and place it in the block above
manager.removeItemFromPlayer("up", {name="minecraft:cobblestone", toSlot=3, fromSlot=1, count=5})


getArmor() -> table

Returns a list of the player's current armor slots

Item Properties

item Description
name: string The registry name of the item
count: number The amount of the item
maxStackSize: number Maximum stack size for the item type
displayName: string The item's display name
slot: number The slot that the item stack is in
tags: table A list of item tags
nbt: table The item's nbt data
local manager = peripheral.find("inventoryManager")

local armor = manager.getArmor()
print("First armor piece is: " .. armor[1].displayName)


getItems() -> table

Returns the contents of the player's inventory as a list of items

Item Properties

item Description
name: string The registry name of the item
count: number The amount of the item
maxStackSize: number Maximum stack size for the item type
slot: number The slot that the item stack is in
displayName: string The item's display name
tags: table A list of item tags
nbt: table The item's nbt data


getOwner() -> string | nil

Returns the username of the owner of the memory card in the manager or nil if there is no memory card or owner.


isPlayerEquipped() -> boolean

Returns true if the player is wearing atleast one piece of armor.


isWearing(slot: number) -> boolean

Returns true if the player is wearing a armor piece on the given slot.
Slots: 103(Helmet) - 100(Boots).


getItemInHand() -> table

Added in version 0.7.4r

Returns the item in the player's main hand.

Item Properties

item Description
name: string The registry name of the item
count: number The amount of the item
maxStackSize: number Maximum stack size for the item type
displayName: string The item's display name
tags: table A list of item tags
nbt: table The item's nbt data


getItemInOffHand() -> table

Added in version 0.7.4r

Returns the item in the player's off hand.

Item Properties

item Description
name: string The registry name of the item
count: number The amount of the item
maxStackSize: number Maximum stack size for the item type
displayName: string The item's display name
tags: table A list of item tags
nbt: table The item's nbt data


getFreeSlot() -> number

Added in version 0.7.4r

Returns the next free slot in the player's inventory. Or -1 if their inventory is full.


isSpaceAvailable() -> boolean

Added in version 0.7.4r

Returns true if space is available in the player's inventory.


getEmptySpace() -> number

Added in version 0.7.4r

Returns the number of empty slots in the player's inventory.


Added getItemInHand, getItemInOffHand, getFreeSlot, isSpaceAvailable and getEmptySpace to the inventory manager.
Added support for armor items, you can use the slots 100 - 103 to access armor items.

Added the slot parameter.
Also changed the direction parameter to computercraft directions.

Fixed the bug where the inventory manager does not drop its contents.

Added the Inventory Manager and Memory Card
