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Colony Integrator


!Image of the Colony Integrator block

The colony integrator can interact with a colony from MineColonies.


Requires the MineColonies mod to be installed

Peripheral Name Interfaces with Has events Introduced in
colonyIntegrator Mine Colony No 0.7r



getCitizens() -> table

Returns a list of information about every citizen in the colony.

Citizen Properties

citizen Description
id: string The citizen's id
name: string The citizen's name
age: string The age of the citizen, either "child" or "adult"
gender: string The citizen's gender, either "male" or "female"
location: table The current location of the citizen (has x, y, z)
bedPos: table The position of the citizen's bed (has x, y, z)
saturation: number The citizen's food saturation
happiness: number An indicator of how happy the citizen is
health: number? The citizen's current health
maxHealth: number? The citizen's max health
armor: number? The citizen's current number of armor points
toughness: number? The citizen's armor toughness
betterFood: boolean Whether the citizen needs better food
isAsleep: boolean If the citizen is currently asleep
isIdle: boolean If the citizen is currently idle
state: string A string representing the citizen's current state
children: table A list of the ids of this citizen's children
skills: table A table of skill names to skills where each skill has
a level and xp number
work: table? A table of info about the citizen's job
home: table? A table of info about the citizen's house

Work Properties

work Description
name: string The name of the work building
job: string The name of the job
location: table The work location (has x, y, z)
type: string The building type
level: number The building's level

Home Properties

home Description
location: table The home location (has x, y, z)
type: string The building type
level: number The building's level


getVisitors() -> table
Returns a list of information about all of the visitors in your colony's tavern.
This information is the same as the citizen table but there is an additional recruitCost table.

recruitCost properties

item Description
name: string The registry name of the item
count: number The amount of the item
maxStackSize: number Maximum stack size for the item type
displayName: string The item's display name
tags: table A list of item tags
nbt: table The item's nbt data


getBuildings() -> table
Returns a list of details about every building in the colony.

Building Properties

building Description
name: string The name of the building
location: table The buildings's location (has x, y, z)
type: string The building type
level: number The building's level
maxLevel: number The building's max level
style: string The building's style
storageBlocks: number The number of storage blocks in the building
storageSlots: number The number of storage slots
guarded: boolean If the building is currently being guarded
built: boolean If the building is built or is under construction
isWorkingOn: boolean Whether the building is being worked on
priority: number The building's construction priority
structure: table A table defining the bounds of the structure
citizens: table A list of citizen's names and ids

Structure Properties

structure Description
cornerA: table The first corner of the bounds (has x, y, z)
cornerB: table The second corner of the bounds (has x, y, z)
rotation: number The structure's rotation
mirror: boolean If the structure has been mirrored


getResearch() -> table

Returns a table of all possible colony research as a tree where the root table contains the branch names and their respective research.


research Description
id: string The research id
name: string The name of the research
status: number The current research status
researchEffects: table A list of effects provided by the research
children: table? A list of any child research
progress: number Research progress
requirements: table List of requirements for the research
cost: table The cost of the research (list of tables)

Requirement Properties

requirememt Description
type: string Type of requirement.
desc: string Description of the requirement
fulfilled: boolean If the requirement is already met
Building Requirement Properties

If the requirement type is building, it will have these additional properties:

requirememt Description
building: string Name of the required building
level: number Level of the required building

Cost item Properties

item Description
name: string The registry name of the item
count: number The amount of the item
maxStackSize: number Maximum stack size for the item type
displayName: string The item's display name
tags: table A list of item tags
nbt: table The item's nbt data


getRequests() -> table
Returns a list of the colonies current requests.

Request Properties

request Description
id: string The request's id
name: string The name of the request
desc: string A description about the request
state: string The state of the request
count: number The number of the request
minCount: number The minimum of the request needed
target: string The request's target
items: table A list of items attached to the request

Item Properties

item Description
name: string The registry name of the item
count: number The amount of the item
maxStackSize: number Maximum stack size for the item type
displayName: string The item's display name
tags: table A list of item tags
nbt: table The item's nbt data


getWorkOrders() -> table
Returns a list of active work orders in the colony.


workOrder Description
id: string The work order's id
priority: number The priority of the work order
workOrderType: string The type of work order
changed: boolean If the work order changed
isClaimed: boolean Whether the work order has been claimed
builder: table The position of the builder (has x, y, z)
buildingName: string The name of the building
type: string The type of the building
targetLevel: number The building's target level


getWorkOrderResources(workOrderId: number) -> table | nil
Returns a list of all of the required resources for a work order. Or nil if the work order does not exist.


resource Description
item: string The registry name for the item
displayName: string The display name for the item
status: string The status of this resource
needed: number How much of the resource is needed for the job
available: boolean If the resource is currently available
delivering: boolean If the resource is currently being delivered


getBuilderResources(position: table) -> table | nil
Returns the resources required by the given builder's hut.

The position table must contain:

  • x: number
  • y: number
  • z: number


getColonyID() -> number
Returns the id of the colony.


getColonyName() -> string
Returns the name of the colony.


getColonyStyle() -> string
Returns the style of the colony. For a list of different colony styles click here.


getLocation() -> table
Returns the position of the townhall.


table Description
x: number The x coordinate
y: number The y coordinate
z: number The z coordinate


getHappiness() -> number
Returns the overall happiness of the colony.


isActive() -> boolean
Returns true if the colony is active. This is true when trusted players are online.


isUnderAttack() -> boolean
Returns true if the colony is currently under attack.


isInColony() -> boolean
Returns true if the block is in a colony.

local integrator = peripheral.find("colonyIntegrator")

if integrator.isInColony() then
    print("Block is inside a colony!")
    print("Not in a colony!")


isWithin(position: table) -> boolean
Returns true if the given coordinates are in a colony.

The position table must contain:

  • x: number
  • y: number
  • z: number


amountOfCitizens() -> number
Returns the number of citizens in the colony.


maxOfCitizens() -> number
Returns the maximum number of citizens the colony can currently hold.


amountOfGraves() -> number
Returns the current number of graves.


amountOfConstructionSites() -> number
Returns the current number of active construction sites.


Citizen Monitor

We made a script to show every citizens and their gender on a monitor.

You can view and download the script on Github !Image of the citizen list program

Colony Stats

And here we have a script made for a pocket computer to show statistics about a colony.

You can view and download the script on Github !Image of the colony info program


Added the colony integrator
